Providing Holistic Support for Persons Diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer and their Families

The purpose of the Kick Cancer in the Face Foundation is to provide or complement holistic (whole-person) support for persons diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and their families.

This support is meant to empower not only the person diagnosed, but also their families, friends and anyone else wishing to contribute to their care in many different ways. 


The Kick Cancer in the Face Foundation was inspired by Todd Fertig, a father and husband who had just received news that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. When discussing his diagnosis with his family, he said to a family member "I just really want to kick cancer in the face..."

This statement became the perfect sentiment to both admit the pain and frustration of this disease, while simultaneously attacking it with an entirely underestimated yet undefeated fighting strategy - humor. 

The cathartic nature of this statement, combined with the connection of an entire MMA community coming together to be "in his corner" became addicting and powerful. The emotional support that KCFF then wishes to provide for all persons diagnosed and fighting, is that of humor, human relationships and resilience in the face of reality.


The reality just mentioned is daunting. A person diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and their family incur significant challenges in funding their fight. KCFF would like to support efforts to help fund treatment opportunities, facilitate transportation and support financial relief of other associated treatment costs.

KCFF aims to provide financial assistance for families such as costs of potentially unpaid time away from work, preventable housing loss, assistive meals and counseling for family members and children.

KCFF has generated such monetary funding through specific martial arts based fundraising efforts such as sponsored social media videos, kick-a-thons, t-shirt sales, martial arts seminars, nutrition seminars, social media video contests, signed memorabilia and wristbands.  

KCFF would also like to pay specific attention to the needs of the children of persons diagnosed if applicable. This includes donations of money towards the purchase of children's books and counseling services.